Sunday, November 6, 2011

BCS Breakdown

Please note the message being sent with this picture.  OSU punching Mizzou.  See ya later, suckers.  Do not let the door hit you on the way out.

First things first, NO ONE wants a rematch of LSU vs. Alabama.  No one.  Only the media, not the public.  If I want to watch a field goal competition, I'll catch the local Punt, Pass and Kick contest.  America likes scoring.  Offense.  My Cowboys score in bunches, and because they like to make the viewers happy, they let the other teams score a lot too.  Win, win.

I'd also like to admit that Kathy got a little big for her britches.  And no, I'm not talking about stuffing her face with too much Taco Bueno.  I'm talking about her cocky tweeting in regards to the Oklahoma State Cowboys.  My bad, people, my bad.  It won't happen again.  You know that phrase, "Act like you've been here before"?  Well, I've never been here, so I'm at a loss.

As far as the Oklahoma State game, I knew we were in for a weird night when the following things occurred:

  1. Two old ladies tried to kick us out of our seats.  They did not believe us when we told them that we were in row 7, not row 6.  One woman had clearly mastered the stink eye in her 185 years on Earth, because she gave it to the entire family.  They begrudgingly left the aisle and then stood at the end and stared.  Finally, Brother turned to her and said, "This is row 7.  We've sat here for 15 years, we know where our seats are."  See, I come by this attitude naturally, it's in my DNA.  Listen up, Maxine.  Instead of storming into your very first game and demanding people move, you might politely ask, "Can you tell me if I'm in the right location?"  We would have kindly told you, "No, but let me help you."  Can't catch these flies with vinegar.  We like honey.
  2. The guy behind me told me my purple phone cover was what was causing OSU to play poorly.  I did the math, I believe this statement to be highly unlikely.  I dress my dog in an OSU jersey, I have a four foot tall Pistol Pete in my yard, I have an OSU license plate,  I've worn the same outfit since the A&M game, and I wear orange every Friday.  I'm doing my part.  
  3. There was a teenager in front of us who a.) did not cheer at all b.) didn't like other people cheering and c.) was confused about why she was even there.  I, too, was confused why she was there.  I was also confused why she turned around and looked at me every time I yelled.  I'm Kathy and I yell at sporting events.  That's what I do.  In fact, every other person in the 59,000 crowd was yelling...except for the preteen.  We should have been staring at her.
All of these factors made for an interesting night.  But we won.  I aged 15 years.  And it's on to the next one.

Finally can we address Stanford?  And the love affair the media has with Andrew Luck.  Is it because he looks like Jesus?  Is that the selling point?  Because his team has only beaten two teams with winning records.  A win over Oregon State does not a National Champion make.  And my quarterback has 788 more passing yards than you do.  And he doesn't have a freaky neck  beard.  

We get it.  Super smarties go to your school, and you have a Christmas tree as your mascot.  Your tree  happens to look like an arts and craft project gone wrong, but maybe that's a west coast thing.  If you look closely, you'll see that the tree wears cargo pants.  I can't take anything serious in cargo pants.  Unfortunately, high IQ scores do not translate to higher BCS rankings.  I don't hate on the Pac 12, I have nothing but love for the Sun Devils.  But the bad teams in the Pac are BAD.  It's not your fault, but it's not our fault either.  Blame Mike Stoops.  Until then, you and Kellen Moore can talk about how unfair life is, leave the winning to the rest of us.  And on that note, Go Ducks.

So there you have it, my completely unbiased opinion.  Back to Reece in the studio.


  1. This is SO good. Thanks for making my day! :)

  2. Dude, the Stanford Tree rocks. It is always drunk and up to crazy shenanigans. It's my favorite (behind Pistol Pete, of course). In short, it's stupid.
