Friday, July 15, 2011

Thoughts, Feelings, Reflections

I don't have one particular thing to write about this afternoon, so I thought I would just share some tidbits with you.  If you haven't picked up on it yet, I really love lists.  I could make a list about all the reasons I love lists. 
  1. It has been brought to my attention that I turn every thing into a competition.  Husband said last night, "You turn everything into a competition.  And that's not always a good thing."  Hmmmm, sounds like something a loser would say.  I kid, I kid.  I just believe that every situation can be made better if there is a clear winner at the end.  Much better if that winner is me.
  2. I also discovered this week that I might be receiving invites to things strictly for entertainment value.  I do not know what to think of this.  It seems as though Kathy has built quite a reputation for herself as a "story teller."  Make sure to ask Kath to come, she'll keep you in stitches with her wild shennanigans.  I just want to state that all of my stories are true...ish.  No seriously, they are true. 
  3. As I mentioned before, I am going on safari next week.  Now that I have the perfect brown ensemble prepared, I've put these two things on the top of my list:
    1. Find another monkey who gets drunk.  Record his antics so I can share them with the world.  Try to bring him home with me. 
    2. Witness a kill in the wild.  Stop with your judging. I don't condone animal on animal violence. Then again, it is nature.  What kind of person would I be if I hated nature?  A bad one. If I'm going to fly across the globe, I want to see a fast animal chase down a slow one and kill it.  Then I could make one of those inspirational posters about the gazelle and the lion from my very own photo.  Except mine would read, "You should have been faster."
Happy weekend people.

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