Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New Developments: Dancing Hobos and Jezebels

With a headline like that, how can you not be intrigued?  That's what we in the business call a teaser.  And by "business" I mean, people who write blogs and make things up.

A little housekeeping before I get started... My last post seemed to really resonate with people, Cowboys and Sooners alike.  Look at me, joining people together, just call me Kathy the Uniter.  Seeing as I opened Pandora's Box of a touchy subject, it would be unrealistic of me to think everyone agreed with my points.  I welcome comments, even the ones who thought I was wrong.  I did, however, receive a comment today that was a tad bit offensive.  And by tad bit, I mean, holy moly, it was bad.  Comma splices, misuse of capitalization, and run-on sentences.  Is grammar dead?  It also contained five cuss words, including the f-word and reference to inappropriate relations with an animal....and that's where Kathy draws the line.  Thanks for playing, but you've been assessed a flagrant 2.  Leave the court immediately.  I decided to delete the incredible work of prose.  Comment all you want, keep the f-word to yourself.

Moving on...

Since I'm on a temporary sports hiatus (my last remaining fantasy football team was taken behind the shed and shot Monday night), I thought I'd throw a little, "what's the haps with Kath" blog.  No need to fret, we'll get back to sportsing soon enough.

So these are the latest developments in my life as we speak:

I got a new phone last night.  The days of my old phone were numbered.  It was misbehaving, running out of energy left and right, and refusing to work with me.  It was time.  Like my fantasy football teams, it needed to be put out of its misery.  The end was nigh.  Fancy new phone has lots of bells and whistles, including syncing up with my car.  I can now have my car read me texts as they come in.  Texts take on a whole new feeling when the GPS lady is reading them out loud.  It's like I'm living in the future!  If I could only get my GPS/text orator in Ludacris's voice, I'm pretty sure my life would be complete.

While at the phone store last night, Ciara's 1, 2 Step, came on the sound system.  And guess who started to break it down?  My 15 month old little girl.  My heart swelled with pride.  My baby dances to hip hop!  Moms often talk of moments of pride while watching their children.  I had one of those moments watching her sway back and forth  to the line, "Goodies make the boys jump on it," It was hilarious.

I'm also working very hard to bring back the use of the words "jezebel" and "hobo."  Jezebel speaks for itself, it's paints a picture.  A word with great imagery, if you will.  I called someone a jezebel today, and I felt great about it afterward.  No worries, she's a friend and I said it to her face, so she knows how I really feel.  Now hobo on the other hand, that's a little dicier.  I looked up the official meaning on Urban Dictionary (always a reliable source), and come to find out, it's not an offensive term. Hobos work, but just not for very long and not in the same place.  Bums are stationary, hobos are mobile.  So there you go.  Now that I know the true meaning, I'm pretty sure I'm friends with a couple hobos.

Hobos and Jezebels would be a good name for a bar.  In fact, to any strangers out there who wish to call me names via blog comments, I invite you to say it to my face.  Meet me down at H&Js, I'll be the one with the baby dancing in the corner to DMX.

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