Thursday, October 20, 2011

I take my Gaddafi with a little sugar

So Gaddafi is dead.  I'm not sure if you heard or not, but he is dunnzo.  He was hanging out in the sewer, a guy with a golden gun found him, and that's all she wrote.

I have a few thoughts on this matter.

  1. I won't claim to know as much as I should about Gaddafi.  I have a VERY general grasp on his reign in Libya.  But what I do know is that he was an evil-doing bad guy.  Everyone knows any evil ruler's one main goal is to destroy/take over the world.  All you have to do is watch any Austin Powers movie or Pinky and the Brain. So here, here NATO soliders/revolutionists/freedom fighters!  I really like the part of the story that he was shot with his own golden gun.  Straight out of a movie, my friends.  
  2. Does it make anyone else uncomfortable that every citizen in Libya  owns a machine gun/uzi?  Gun control issues aside, does every person really need an automatic weapon?  I feel like the answer is no.  I am of course, a proponent of knife fights.  Much more West Side Story/Adventures in Babysitting.  Chinese stars are fun too.  And brass knuckles.  I remember seeing a guy at the Payne County Fair when I was a kid who was wearing brass knuckles.  Hooligans of Stillwater come prepared for battle...even to the fair.
  3. I watched the clip of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton receive news of Gaddafi's death.  She remained pretty calm.  Two words: let down.  Would have really amped up the awesomeness if she would have started high fiving everyone in the room.  I would react that way.  I'd probably keep a little confetti in my pocket too, for just such an occasion.  Up high, down low, confetti.  Boom!  Ol' Hill doesn't strike me as a high fiver, which is okay by me, but maybe a fist bump or even a thumbs up would have taken that video from a 6 to an 11.
That's all.  Those are my thoughts on current events.  Don't you feel smarter?  You're welcome.

I apologize for lack of blogs lately.  It's amazing how being busy takes away time to write pithy blogs about nothing.  

1 comment:

  1. The golden gun was my favorite part! I was awake when the first tweets started coming in at maybe 4 am (in LA) and that was one of the first ones I saw. Hilarious! The man was a real-life Bond villain.
