Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Serenity Now!

You know how George Constanza yelled "Serenity Now!" to calm himself down?  I need something like that, but something that actually works.  Because let me tell you, totally losing it on customer service representatives isn't doing it for me.  Not one bit.

As you have read previous to this post, I've had a run of bad luck lately.  Give or take, it's been going on for about 32 years.  Anywho, yesterday I learned that despite spending all of last Thursday on the phone with Bank of America, they forgot to apply all of my "please don't let the crooks have my money" directions.  Cripes!  Yesterday's phone time included me yelling, "Why don't you have any sympathy for  what is going on?  Can I please talk to someone who is more sympathetic to my situation?"  Little Miss Sunshine said, "No."  Enraged, I hung up and realized, I am in desperate need of a stress reliever in my life.

I've thrown around some ideas, and I'm having no luck.

  1. Running.  I hate running.  I don't really know why one would do it for "fun."  You should only be running to catch something, for your life, or away from danger.  Running for fun?  I don't think so.
  2. Yoga.  I own Jillian Michael's Yoga DVD.  It is the farthest thing from relaxing as anything I've ever done in my whole life.  It is hard.  And intense.  The husband did it with me once.  Never again.  His exact quote, "This sucks.  I thought yoga was supposed to be enjoyable."  I'm going to guess that the only thing Jillian does in a relaxing manner is sleep, and I'm not totally convinced of that.
  3. Scrapbooking.  Well... I'm not sure what I would scrapbook.  Just pics of me, husband and dog.  And that's what I use Facebook for anyway.  Besides all those scraps of extra paper stress me out.
  4. Vacation.  I'd like to spend all of my time vacationing, but I haven't worked out the details as to how to get paid to do that all of the time.  Must do more research.  Research isn't relaxing.
  5. Shopping.  I love shopping and I am GOOD at it.  However, due to my current situation, I don't have any money because the bad guys took it all.  Frack!
So as you can see, I've got nothing.  I might try to meditate, but I don't really have time.  Maybe I'll just stage a sit-in at Bank of America.  It may not be relaxing, but oh, what fun! 

Seriously though, I'm open to suggestions.


  1. Um, I just made some cards, and all if the little extra scraps stressed me out, too. I'll never use them, yet I can't throw them away! I have a "mindful yoga" CD you can borrow. You just lay there and listen to the person tell you to breathe and relax. You don't have to move!! It's awesome.

  2. How can you hate running?? You married a long-distance runner/track & cross country coach! Although I'm semi-retired myself, it is a good stress reliever. I also agree with Rob. Drinking often does the trick.
