Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Friday, and Kathy has had enough

Let's get the introductions out of the way, shall we? I'm Katie. People call me Kathy. I don't know why, but they do. And as I learned a long time ago, you can't fight city hall. So this is my new blog. Follow along, should be a real blast.

Okay, now that we've covered that, let's get back to what's important. Me. And my horrible week. Well, actually, it's been two weeks filled with annoyances. I've tallied the votes, and both Katie and Kathy hate the month of June.

Last week, my window was bashed in and my purse and GPS were stolen from my car. Let's not dwell on the smarty pants who left her purse in the car, that's not the point, people. The point, is there is nothing more annoying than having to cancel/replace all the stuff, except dealing with customer service people. So inside my purse was my wallet, a camera, my car keys, and a checkbook. It's pretty amazing that the car itself wasn't stolen, considering they had the keys at their disposal. But as my mother pointed out, who would want to steal a car missing a window?

After changing the locks on our house, cancelling all credit cards and checks, getting a new licence, and replacing the window, I received some good news, my purse had been found. In a dumpster. Poor little purse, it probably had no idea what was going on. I figured these criminals were total idiots. All they wanted was the GPS and the purse was just a bonus. I didn't have any fraudulent charges on my cards, bank account was good to go, and now I had my purse and keys back. Hooray!

Not so fast. Got a call from Bank of America this week and was informed that someone is impersonating me. They are writing bad checks to me and endorsing them as me. Blast! These hooligans are smarter than I originally thought. And they have my social security number. Still haven't solved that mystery. I'm curious, what is Fake Katie like? Is she funny? Will she read my blog? How well does she dress? I mean, what if the Fake Katie is chucking along in Crocs, pleated pants, and a belly shirt? My lord, what if she's a Sooner fan? What will that do to my reputation?

Over the last week, due to the impersonating and need to alert every person in America of the situation, I've had more than my share of unpleasant conversations with customer service people. For your reading enjoyment, please find the following statements I made:
- Sir, I don't know what that means. Please stop reading from your script and tell me what the problem is.

- How would you explain this to your mother? That's how I want you to explain this to me.

- You're job is to provide customer service, and you are terrible at it.

- I must speak with someone else. Immediately!

- I'm serious, put me on the phone with someone else.

- You are doing a terrible job. I would like that put in your file.

That's right. I'm a curmudgeon. I also shake my cane at little kids on my lawn.

I need this weekend to be great. Let's all pull together and make that happen.


  1. Oh Kathy...what a curmudgeon.

  2. Cari Hollrah AdamsJune 17, 2011 at 4:32 PM

    How would you explain this to your mother? Hahahahaha!!!

  3. A former co-worker and his wife had their identity stolen and they found out their impersonators were black. My co-worker and his wife are white. Maybe the other Katie is Latina, like your Sexy Mex friend. What it do, sistah?!
