Wednesday, July 2, 2014

You don't see that every day

Let's go ahead and file this blog under "Kathy's Crime Beat" or "Oklahoma City Oddities."  Either will suffice.

Sometimes, I think that people think I make stuff up.  And by "sometimes" I mean most of the time.  And sure, I have been known to exaggerate once or twice.  Okay, maybe three times.  But it is always for the sake of telling a better story.  And there are many a time that people question the stories I tell.  But hand to God, I promise you weird crap happens around or to me on a regular basis.  This is the life of Kathy and all I'm doing is passing the stories along.  So one day, you can tell your children about them.  Here are a few things that I noticed in the last week that were just a hair out of the norm.  It's up to you whether you believe me or not.

Hey, I recognize you!  As I visited the local Kinkos, I patiently waited in line behind an interesting young man.  As I looked at him through the corner of my eye, I was drawn to the square tattooed on his face.  I wondered to myself, "Why would one tattoo a square on their face? That doesn't even make sense." It totally shatters the reasonable decision to tattoo your face in the first place.  And then he turned as he was speaking to the clerk and I saw that it was not in fact a square, it was the state of Oklahoma.  On his face.  ON HIS FACE.

I had so many thoughts all at once and then I had an epiphany.  This was Zero.  He is a local rap artist who produces music videos outside of furniture stores.  I know this because I read the Lost Ogle.  It was like a mini-celebrity sighting.  I kept looking at him, looking for any other key identifiers.  Then he looked at me and I realized that I should stop staring at him before he shanked me.  You just don't expect this kind of drama and action to go down at the local copy store.

If you have seen this suspect.  Yesterday as I was driving to lunch, I saw a man talking to a police officer on the corner.  He was handing the officer a drawing that it appeared he had done...of a crime suspect.  Or at least that's what I deduced from my car.  I'm sure you are wondering, "Kath, where are you going to lunch?"

I desperately wanted to take a picture, because how many times do you see a citizen handing a cop a picture that they drew of a criminal suspect?  I can tell you how many times.  One.  I resisted the urge to Instagram the moment, because I felt like if I was questioned about why I took that picture my only good response would be, "I'm nosey."  Maybe I'd identify myself as a "concerned citizen."  I hear that's what old people like me do.

So here is my question: Are you allowed to just draw your own pictures?  I thought you had to go "down to the station" for stuff like that.  No?  Just grab a pencil and go to work?  And if someone is getting on my nerves, can I draw a picture of them and give it to police and tell them I suspect they have committed a crime?  I'm asking for a friend of course.

I found the entire thing very confusing and it left me with a lot more questions than answers.  But in case you are wondering, the suspect appears to be a white male, in his 30s with dark hair.  He did not have an Oklahoma face tattoo, so Zero is in the clear.  *Phew!*

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