Tuesday, February 21, 2012

She lives!

Have you heard the good news?  Kathy has risen....she has risen indeed.  After five days of the worst flu of my life, I am back amongst the living.  Barely.  It's 8:15 p.m., and as soon as I finish this blog, I'm probably going to bed.  But my head is no longer in the toilet, so I think it's okay for us all to rejoice a little.

It's been so long since I've blogged, that I don't even know where to start.  I find that when I don't write about things as soon as they happen, they aren't as funny or as interesting as I thought they were.  That either means I've totally mastered the "timeliness" aspect of reporting the news as I see it, or what I blog about isn't that great.  Either way, I'm not going backwards, you can't make me.

I'll just catch you up on how I deal with being sick and a few other odds and ends.

I don't know if you've picked up on it, but there is really nothing on TV at the moment.  Stuck in bed for five days, I was scanning the guide for some entertainment.  Left to his own devices, Husband will watch hours and hours and hours of food shows.  Guy Fieri and his stupid hair, reruns of Chopped, Andrew Zimmern eating dirt and rat poop, and Iron Chef.  Never anything that could be applied to our lives, just random shows about food.  It drives me crazy.  I think one day I'll just come home with 45 watermelons and say, "Okay smarty, make something out of these." I, on the other hand, choose to watch programming that makes me more well-rounded: Dateline on ID, 48 Hours on ID, and Lockup: Raw.  I have no idea what my obsession with true crime is, but it's there and I can no longer ignore it.  I logged no less than 20 hours of Dateline and 48 Hours during my infirmary stay.  I also watched three hours of Lockup: Raw, which is a disturbing show on MSNBC where they go inside prisons and talk to crazy inmates.  It's fantastic.  I will just tell you this, it will take a pretty sneaky person to pull a crime over on ol' Kath... I've seen every trick in the book by now.  In an effort of full disclosure: I also watched a day-long marathon of The Game on BET.  See how well-rounded I am?

Moving on... On Sunday, I pulled myself out of bed and we went to Stillwater to watch wrestling.  I would have stayed home, but it was a huge match.  This was a bad decision for three reasons: 1. I was still sick, felt terrible and the excitement of screaming/stomping feet/ jumping out of my seat did very little for my overall well-being.  2. During the second match, the child who sat behind me was super annoying.  And 3. We lost.  Boo.

I tell this tale, knowing that parents out there of young ones might be upset with me.  But let me say this: I have no issues with kids.  The fact that he was a kid wasn't what annoyed me.  I'm sure your child isn't annoying, but this one was.  This is not a commentary on children in general, just this particular kid who never stopped talking, sucked on hard candy for an hour and 45 minutes and asked no less than 87 questions.  And I have no doubt, when I have a child, that child will ask questions ALL the time.  I ask questions all the time, it will be in his or her genes.  I'm just saying, on this particular day, I wasn't in the mood for the Congressional hearing that was going on behind me.

I tweeted the following: "Wish this little kid behind me would learn the rules of wrestling.  Too many questions, kid."  It was a joke...kind of.  And then this exchange happened:

Stranger on Twitter: Or maybe you could admire him for being a fan and being there.  Don't hate.
What I wanted to say: Um.. Are you serious?  No one admires me for being a fan.  And since he's 8 and clearly doesn't understand wrestling, I think calling him a "fan" is a stretch.
What I actually said: I choose to be annoyed.  Thanks.
Stranger on Twitter: We are so spoiled.  There are bigger problems in the world, believe it or not.
What I wanted to say: Yes, I'm aware.  I vote.  I read the newspaper.  I pay my taxes.  I volunteer in my community.  I'm a feminist.  I'm an environmentalist.  I believe in civil rights.  I believe in human rights.  I donate to worthy causes.  I go to work.  I'm a good citizen.  And I'm a sports fan who has an annoying kid sitting behind me.
What I actually said: This has been super fun, but I don't know you.  So I'm going to go ahead and block you.  Peace and love.

And that is how sick, annoyed Kathy interacts with her "fans' on Twitter.  I'm a real gem, huh?

Finally, today, on my way home from work, I pulled behind a man who had a dreamcatcther hanging from his rear view mirror.  I'm very familiar with dreamcatchers, as I used to live in Arizona.  Dreamcatchers, Kokopelli, havalinas, and crazy politics: Arizona taught me all about these things.  Why would you hang one in your car?  Are you sleeping in your car?  Are you having nightmares in your car?  Are you asleep right now?  I thought about honking, just to wake him up, but decided not to be an aggressive driver today. Maybe the dreamcatcher was there to catch daydreams.  Although,  I thought daydreams by nature were happy and good, and there is no need for them to be filtered by dreamcatcher.  And frankly, I'm not comfortable with you daydreaming while driving, that's a very dangerous practice.  Whatever the reason for the dreamcatcher, I'm almost positive, it's suspicious.  And possibly dangerous.  And like the guy on Twitter told me, there are bigger problems out there, and I think we all know this one is at the top of the list.


  1. What a great post! Glad you're still alive.

  2. Word on the street is there's a terrible flu going around Stillwater. I think you brought here. Just saying.

  3. Don't forget about the howling coyotes. Those bastards creep into my neighborhood in the middle of the night and get to howling. So inconsiderate.
