Wednesday, March 7, 2012

There's Probably a Story Behind That...

Today has been a very strange day. I mean, my days are usually pretty strange, but is just a little out of the ordinary. Please let me share with you how the day has transpired.

7:30 am -- I wake up because Husband ran into the bed. I found this super annoying. I stated, "You don't have to run into the bed!" He apologized. And rightfully so, because I think we all know he did it on purpose. I think I was actually more upset about the dream I had just woken up from. In my dream, Husband, myself and my mother were all out some where. A person approached us and told us he had a free trip to Costa Rica to give away, but it was only for one person. We all agreed that Husband is most deserving of the vacay, so off he went. Feeling a little uncertain about sending my better half on a random vacation set up by a random man, I decided to check with airline as to when he was returning. They had no record of Husband. And so, he was gone. I hope that the dream version of my husband didn't choose to leave me. Because let me tell you something, if Husband ever fakes his own disappearance, Kathy's gonna be pissed.

8:15 am -- As I collected my belongings and self in the kitchen, Husband said, "You look cute today. But I don't usually see you fix your hair like that." It was in a very messy bun on the top of my head. Me: "Well, this isn't how I'm wearing it, I haven't fixed it yet. Does it look terrible?"
Husband: "No, not terrible, just not fancy."
Me: "Fancy? It's usually fancy?"
Husband: "Yes. You're a fancy girl."
Me: "Oh my, God."

I'm curious if "fancy" is code for high maintenance. We've been together for more than seven years and married for almost five, and he's never called me fancy.  Frankly, I just don't trust this compliment.  I'm almost positive there's more to the story.

1:30 pm -- As I got lunch today I found an animals' toenail in my car. It resembles an eagle's talon, but smaller. I would put a picture up, but it's gross. This nail did not come from Mr. Bojangles. His claws are black and are never pointy. So, how in the world did another animal get in my car and lose his toenail? What is going on? Did a small bird land inside and try to claw his way out? Did it hurt? Because if so, this could be an angry bird. Do I have ANOTHER angry bird after me? I mean how much can a girl take? I just want to know WHY there is an animal toenail/talon/claw in the backseat of my car. I'm so beyond disturbed I can't even explain.

This kind of crap does not happen to fancy girls!


  1. Can we take a moment to console the clearly violated/molested piece of bread from the pic?

  2. Dude, I found an animal's toenail in my bag this morning. It's a conspiracy, and I don't like it one bit.
