Thursday, March 1, 2012

No Girls Allowed? Kathy don't play that.

Hey, hey people!  I hope this blog finds you well.  I am currently suffering from "it's so nice and pretty outside, I just don't think I can motivate myself to be productive" syndrome.  When it's 76 degrees on the first day of March, there is very little one can do about such circumstances.  Don't you worry though, I have amazing will power, I've accomplished a lot today.  *Pats self on back*

But let's get down to the nitty gritty, shall we?  As I watched a Twitter interaction unfold today between several people I follow, I got more and more annoyed.  What you'll read below is what I like to call a rant.  I shall warn you, I'm a tad braggadocious, but that's what one has to do when standing up for themselves.

 Frankly, I'm a little fed up with the blatant sexism that exists on Twitter at the  moment.  There are three Oklahoma State "bloggers" I follow who are constantly talking about OSU related topics.  I won't name them directly, but their handles involve guns, riding for free and Pokes.  From what I can tell, they all seem very knowledgeable about OSU and the goings on with my alma mater in regards to sports.  They tweet a lot, and I can only assume they get a lot of responses.  Now, while I do not run an OSU blog, I do think I have some credibility.  Yet, when I tweet responses, comments and/or questions, I'm often unanswered.  Oddly enough, they answer each other, and answer most men, but not Kathy.   The only one who regularly answers me is @CowboysRFF

So what gives?  Is it that I don't know what I'm talking about?  No, I don't think that's it.  I'm a member of the Football Writers Association of America. I don't know all of these bloggers' names, but I know one in particular who almost always ignores me isn't a member.  I work in sports, I help choose one of the top college football awards in America, and most importantly, I've been attending Oklahoma State sporting events for 25 years.  I'm at football, basketball and wrestling every season.  I also attend as much baseball as I can manage.  I'm a fan.

Is it that I don't run a blog about OSU?  Because if that's the case, you should put a disclaimer up that you only respond to media members or people who have OSU blogs.  Save the rest of us some time. 

But I honestly, I think I'm being ignored because I'm female.  I've run into this for years.  How can she know about anything?  She's a GIRL!  She has a pony tail and wears high heels and likes purses.  She can't know ANYTHING. Usually, on message boards, I don't identify myself as a woman, I keep it gender neutral.  Idiots on message boards only respond to men, and apparently such is the case for Twitter.  To all of this, I say: It's 2012.  I know what I'm talking about.  I'm too proud of a person to get into a conversation unless I know my facts.  Ask all of the poor souls I've left in my dust with my random sports knowledge.  And yes, I'm a girl who likes pretty things and puppies, but I also like a dominating three-and-out performance, a fade-away jumper, and cussing at basketball officials.  This isn't freakin' Mad Men.  Answer my questions, let a girl sit at the might just learn something.

I'd like to remind you that you run your blogs for the fans.  And there are, if you can believe it, female fans.  Women are allowed to be sports fans.  We're also allowed to vote, speak before spoken to, and wear pants.  Times, they are a changing!

And that's all I have to say about that. *Steps off soapbox*

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