Sunday, August 14, 2011

Well, that's different

Greetings this wonderful Sunday evening.  I'm caught in a conundrum, a real predicament, if you will. I'm filling out an application that is due tomorrow.  It's for a leadership thing.  I'm going to leave it extremely vague, in case I don't get it.  Then we will never speak of it again.  It's called denial, and it's been working for me for 32 years now.

So I'm stumped on the following question: What makes you a little different from many others? Ummm, where does one start with that question?  And how does one answer it without sounding really annoying?  I find people who constantly talk about how unique they are, very boring and irritating.

Husband suggested  I write about how selfless I am.  I pointed out to him that true selfless people don't write essays about how much they do for other without expecting anything in return.  Defeats the point.

So what makes Kathy different from others?  Maybe that she writes a blog under a pseudo name.  Maybe I'll just copy and paste the link to the blog in which I explain my love of purses AND football.  Maybe I should talk about how I tend to be very judgy wudgy, yet, I'm a bleeding heart.  However, as I reread that sentence, neither of those things really makes me sound great.  Should I write about how my obsession with Van Gogh and Justin Blackmon are pretty much equal?  How about that I tear up during Intervention, when the OSU spirit band plays the Alma Mater, AND when reading The World According to Garp.   Ugh, I'm so complex!  Maybe I'll write about how much I hate people who talk about how complex and deep they are...

I need suggestions.  Let's all keep in mind that the overall goal is for those reading the application to think, "Wow, this Kathy character sounds great!  We need her as a part of this group!"  instead of, "she sounds a little bit schizo."

1 comment:

  1. Really they are asking why do you stand out. And it's all of the above; you sweet, funny, sarcastic, smart, witty, understanding, empathic, and appreciative of the fine things in life.

    Just breathe and make it happen, if anyone can it's you!

    Clear your head and write.
